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35+ Years of Experience


Use Our Long-Standing Relationships with Major Retail Chain Decision Makers To Sell More Of Your
Products Faster. If your products are “Retail Ready” then our team can present them to all the
decision makers at the appropriate retailers. If your products are not yet “Retail ready”, we have the TEAM to help you get your product and company ready to deal with Big Box retailers

What Our Clients Say

"Joey is the quintessential great “connector,” as fitting the description according to Malcolm Gladwell in his book, “The Tipping Point.” I met Joey about 20 years ago because he realized my breadth of connections in the retail industry, which of course would expand his already universal network of business leaders, globally and across all industries. I’ve never known anybody with his reach, and his tenacious, unrelenting 24/7 quest to connect people, either to do big financial deals, to sell products, or simply to “network” with.  When Joey calls, I listen. Because the great “connector” delivers."

Robin Lewis

                     Robin Lewis, Founder and CEO of The Robin Report

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